
Friday, September 01, 2006


Hello, again.

It’s getting closer to the day I leave Seattle. I work for 3 more nights, and then I leave for Denver. However, there’s been an unexpected situation that I have to postpone my next assignment by one week. I need to have a root canal before I leave Seattle, WA. I know everyone said that I’ll be OK after the root canal, but currently, I’m not. I’ve had a tooth ache that’s gradually worsened, and the dentist had not been able to pinpoint the reason except maybe a bite problem on one of my molar crowns, and tried to fix it. He sent me to an Endodontitis (FINALLY) on Tuesday, and the Endodontitis found out that my nerve in my very back molar is dead and the tooth nerve next to it is irritated. So, Sept 1 (this morning) I have to go in for a root canal, and next Thursday (7th) I get a temporary crown until I can get to Colorado for a permanent crown.

PRAY FOR ME that I can survive this pain until my appointment, and my temporary crown appointment will go smoothly next Thursday so I can leave on Sunday without any further problems. So, keep me in your prayers for the next 2 weeks for pain relief, time management (I’m still packing), and a safe trip to Denver. The bright side about all this is now I have a week to make it to Denver, and I can stop by Utah to visit my friend Penny (my whine mentor) and have cheese with our “whine”. :-D (2 West inside joke)


Anonymous said...

Sounds painful. I'll pray for a quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you bring a whine list. As for the tooth at least it wasn't an infection. Did they give you any good stuff that you can only look at while driving?