
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Praise in Suffering

About a year ago, I was heading to Haiti for a week.  I worked along side an amazing crew, Team Haiti, and met some people that devoted their time to the Haitians that they love.  One group we worked with was Real Hope for Haiti.  The men in our team and I worked in their Cholera House, while the other half of our group worked in their Rescue Center.  I got to watch the Haitian Nurses work hard to care for their fellow Haitians, and I was glad to help out the nurses, even if it was just separating their paper towels into small sheets.  They're amazing ladies.

Recently, I read their blog, and came across a story they shared about a little girl that was brought in by her father.  It breaks my heart to see some of her pictures, but she knows what it means to praise God even in pain and suffering.  No one can take that away from her.  Read about Nerline, but have a box of tissues just in case.

Here's an update on Nerline!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lavender Heaven

What I love about Texas is the many Festivals to experience during the Summers.  This past weekend I went back to Blanco's Lavender Festival.  They had the little Lavender Farmers Market set up around the town's Courthouse to sample different products made with Lavender.  By the end of the day, it can leave any visitor in a state of Lavender Euphoria.

A couple years back, I went to Blanco, TX with my friend Faye for the Blanco Lavender Festival.  We sampled all the homemade product made out of Lavender, drank Lavender Lemonade, ate Lavender Ice Cream, had Lavender Pedicures, and went to one of the lavender Farms and picked a handful of Lavender.  We saturated our senses with Lavender, and had a silent, RELAXED road trip back to Austin.

This year, I went with my roommate and her mom as a recovery Therapy for her (roommate) after her surgery a couple days before.  We only stayed for a couple hours, but that was still enough to enjoy Lavender with all our senses.  They weren't completely saturated as before, but still enough to relax and enjoy the scenery on our way back home.

If you're ever in Texas in the first week of June, stop by Blanco, TX.  Beautiful drive, and relaxing day.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Random thought...

I wonder if you can measure a group's morals by their littlest actions.  For example, I live in an apartment complex that's resurfacing their parking areas.  They've requested we do not drive through these areas for 2 days while the resurfacing areas are drying.  They even placed pylons with a red tape surrounding the area.  This evening a strong wind blew down most of the pylons, but the red tape is still intact and visibly surrounding the areas.

So far, I've watched a few cars driving over the pylons and red tape, instead of driving around them like the other drivers, as the Apartment Office requested.  We were notified a week beforehand, and where these resurfacing areas are located, yet it appears to be easier do drive through these wet areas and damage the newly resurfaced areas than avoiding them by driving around them.

(It frustrates me to see this because I know they will have to resurface that area again, and cause a longer inconvenience for us just because some residence decided to go against authority's requests.)

Can you measure society's moral character by picking a group, oh say an apartment complex, as a percentage of the population, and count how many follow a simple rule or not?  If so, our moral character is dwindling with each car that drives over the pylons.....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Study habits

I remember in college, my friends and I would go to a coffee shop and study with lots of coffee and pastries. Or, I'd be in my apartment with some brownies and Pepsi. It kept me wired and awake to study until late night or early morning (depending on how you looked at the time).

I'm now 41, and not much has changed except that I can't last past 10pm. I'm sitting in a coffee shop studying again with lots of coffee and baked goods, but I'm not sure if it'll keep me awake, or if my brain will comprehend anything at this time of the day.

Getting old sucks....

                             My studying sustenance.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Can you explain it any better?


It’s the full story of life crushed into 4 minutes. The entirety of humanity in the palm of your hand crushed into one sentence. Listen its intense right. God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. Life. The greatest story ever told that’s hardly ever told. God. Yes. God. The maker and giver of life. And by life I mean any and all manner and substance. Seen and unseen. What can and can't be touched. Thoughts, image, emotions, love, atoms and oceans. God.  All of it his handy work. One of which is masterpiece. Made so uniquely that angels looked curiously. The one thing in creation that was made with his imagery. The concept so cold. It’s the reason I stay bold, how God breathed in the man  and he became a living soul.  Formed with the intent of being infinitely intimately fond. Creator and creation held in eternal bold. And it was placed in perfect paradise til something went wrong.  A species got deceived and started lusting for his job. An odd list of complaints as if the system ain’t working and used that same breath he graciously gave us to curse him.

 And that sin seed spread though our soul’s genome. And by nature of your nature, your species, you participated in the mutiny. Our. Yes. Our sins. Its nature inherited, lack in the human heart, it was over before it started. Deceived from day one and lead away by our own lusts. There’s not a religion in the word that doesn’t agree that something’s wrong with us. The question is what is it? And how do we fix it? Are we eternally  separated from a God that may or not have existed? But that’s another subject. Let’s keep grinding. Besides trying to prove God is like defending a lion homie, it don’t need your help, just unlock the cage. Let’s move on how our debt can be paid.  Short and sweet. 

The problem is Sin. Yes. Sin. It’s a cancer. An asthma. Choking out our life force. Forcing separation from a perfect and holy God and the only way to get back is to get back to perfection but silly us, trying to pass the course of life without referring to a syllabus. This is us. Heap up your good deeds. Chant, pray, meditate but all of that of course is spraying cologne on a corpse.  Or you could choose to ignore it as if something don’t stink.  It’s like stepping it dog poop and refusing to wipe your shoe and all of that ends with how good is good enough. Take your silly list of good deeds and line them up against perfection, good luck. That’s life past your pay grade. The cost of your soul you ain’t gotta big enough piggy bank. But you can give it a shot. But I suggest you throw away the list cause even your good acts are an extension of your selfishness. But here’s where it gets interesting. I hope your closely listening. Please don’t get it twisted. It’s what makes our faith unique. Here’s what God says is Part A of the gospel. You can’t fix yourself. Quit trying it’s impossible.  Sin brings death. Give God his breath back. You owe him. Eternally separated and the only way to fix it is someone die in your place and that someone gotta be perfect. Or the payment ain’t permanent. 

So if and when you find the perfect person, get him or her to willing trade their perfection for your sin and death in. Clearly since the only one that can meet God’s criteria is God. God sent himself as Jesus to pay the cost for us. His righteousness, his death, functions as payment. Yes. Payment. Wrote a check with his life but at the resurrection we all cheered cause that means the check cleared. Pierced feet, pierced hands, blood stained son of man. Fullness forgiveness free passage into the promise land, that same breath God breathed into us God gave it up to redeem us. And anyone and everyone. And by everyone I mean everyone who puts their faith in trust in him and him alone can stand in full confidence of God’s forgiveness. And here’s what the promise is, that you are guaranteed full access to return the perfect unity. By simply believing in Christ in Christ alone. You are receiving life. Yes. Life. This is the Gospel. God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. Life.


Have you ever experienced those moments that once you take a step towards God's plan for you, that you get swept up in this divine whirlwind, and watch everything fall into place?   It was as if God had everything set, but he was PATIENTLY waiting on you.

I remember experiencing that more than once, but it never stops me from being in awe of God every time it happens.  I have been debating, hemming and hawing about going back to school for my Masters.  A lot of reasons came to mind to NOT go back (more like excuses), but I finally I decided.  I want to be a Nursing Instructor.  I love teaching Nursing Students and newly graduated Nurses on our Unit and Hospital.  I love seeing them grow and become awesome nurses in our Hospital family.  But, I need to have my Masters Degree first.  1st step, to prepare for the GRE exam, and then the school.  Then, the whirlwind hit.  A few of my friends came up to me discussing the same thing about studying for the GRE and going back for their Masters.  So, we decided we'd study together.  Thank you, Jesus, for the accountability.  Then, I was just offered a position as a Medication Assistant at a Nursing School.  A Medication Assistant helps the Nursing Clinical Instructor supervise the Nursing Student in passing their meds out to the patients, and assisting them in procedures.  I accepted the position, and the paperwork went through quickly.  I now have a 2nd job to help teach nursing students in the Hospital environment.  Lord, what else are you going to drop in my lap?

This blessing has been a loud confirmation to go for my Masters Degree.  I don't know how long it will take, but so far I definitely love the jobs I'm doing.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Knitting Stash

I have a box of yarn that's been sitting in my Study waiting for me to knit something, so I decided to knit something from my box, and empty it out.

However, that didn't work as I hoped. I've made hats, scarves, wrist warmers and such, but for some reason I have more yarn than when I first started! Having a yarn stash has been filling every nook and cranny of closets. I feel that having too much yarn is not good, but alas, I've been told that "it's ok to have a yarn stash". I found a book called "Knit Rules!" by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee ( the Yarn Harlot) that talks about tips and tricks of Knitting than patterns and "how to.." instructions, and she brought up a section topic of Yarn Stashes. It's not bad to have one. You just need to share a fraction of it to your friends so they won't freak out when they see the stash (that's spilling out of your closet, boxes, and from under your bed).

So, I share my yarn stash proudly, and hopefully start more project from this stash, and not buy more for a while.....yeah, right.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

A Thousand Blessings

It's a new year. It's 2012, and (almost) everyone is talking about the last day coming on 12/21/2012. If that were the case, WOOHOO! I'm going home to Jesus!! But, Jesus even said that He doesn't even know when He'll return, only God the Father knows. So, how would the Mayans know??

Still this makes you think. Did I do everything I wanted to do? Is there anything I still want to do before I die, or before MY last day? I can make a list of things I want to do still, but why not make a list of blessings that are around me now? I'm reading a book called "One Thousand Gifts". My friend Sandy has been reading this book and told me about it over coffee. The author has gone through emotional pain in her life, and seen loss of family. However, in her hunt for Grace in this distress, she found herself listing blessings/gifts that surround her. She wrote, " else do we accept His free gift of salvation if not with thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is evidence of our acceptance of whatever He gives. Thanksgiving is the manifestation of our Yes! to His grace."

We constantly come to God with our wish list. We pray for everyone and everything on our prayer list, but half the time or out of routine we forget to stop and give thanks to God for who He is, and what He's done in our lives. When we're constantly bombarded with hardship, its harder to see the blessings, and perhaps thinks He never blessed you. Even the littlest things that may seem trivial, is probably a blessing. A touch of Peace in your hectic life. If you're focused more on the pain and negative issues in your life you may have missed that gift.

I remember when I went to St Louis.  Because of some series of situations, I was losing faith in prayer and God's promises. I felt like I hit bottom. One day I was waiting to pick up my brother at the train station, and was listening to some worship music while waiting for him. I was eager to seek out God, even though I didn't think I'd find Him. I sat there listening to the praise songs, and decided "God, even if my heart is not in it, I'm going to praise you with these songs." I sang to Him with what little faith I had, and God met me the rest of the way. He was there with me, and I felt renewed. I figured this is the turning point.  Everything is going to get better after this, BUT I was wrong.  My time is St Louis was not getting any better, but worse.  However, he reminded me that His Grace is sufficient for me.  What I experienced earlier was Him strengthening me for the worst. Earlier at the train station, I sat there in God's presence praising His name during the lowest moment, and He loved me, strengthened me, refreshed my spirit, and renewed me. Not to get me out of the pit that easily, but to strengthen me for the worst, and know that I'm not alone.

Daily we're surrounded by pain or negative news, but that's not where God wants us to linger on. What blessings has He given you? Life is not going to be all sunshine and roses. There are thorns among the roses. What are you going to do? Focus on the thorns and hate the roses, or look at the beauty and take in the fragrance?

I'll take the beauty and fragrance. Ann (author) listed 1000 blessings she saw around her, I know I can do the same. Come back to this post every so often to see if the list has grown. If it hasn't, give me a VIRTUAL slap upside the head to continue on to that 1000.

1. Singing Grackles in the trees. (maybe annoying to others, but they seem pleasing to listen to)

2. Waking up to the sun streaming into my bedroom, and no rush to get up.

3. Reading a book that has nothing to do with work or homework.

4. Smell of freshly ground coffee beans

5. Delighted in the Lord's presence in my life (Ps 37:4-5)

6. Knitting with friends.

7. The sound of rain outside.

8. Smell of my apt after baking.  Inviting.

9. Texas sunrises and sunsets (not the same anywhere else)

10. Flock of birds flying in unison, like an ocean wave in the sky.

11. Rain lulling me to sleep (the thunder, not so much)

12. lines of lightning crackling across the sky. (from a safe distance)

13. A smog-less sky after a rain storm

14. God's Faithfulness (especially when I don't deserve it)

15. breathing in Crisp Morning air.

16. placed "on-call" at work, and spend extra time to get ready for the day.

17. A surprise dinner from a friend, waiting for me at home.

18. Clouds in different shapes, lazily moving across the sky

19. Milk swirling in my coffee.

20. reading a book full of God's promises and knowing they are true.

21. Down Comforters.

22. unexpected snow falling in Austin

23. holding a fragile snowflake in my hand (before it melts)

24. the cashier smiling at my child-like fascination with snowflakes

25. Jesus is enough for me.

26. Dipping strawberries into melted chocolate

27. creamy ribbons of melted chocolate

28.  No matter how many times I let go of God, He's never let go of me.

29. Hearing men (including the patient) singing praise songs in Spanish around the patient's bed

30. Divine Whirlwind (organized chaos??)

31. arriving to my destination before the downpour.

32.  2 boys racing each other down the sidewalk on their way to school. (innocence)

33. Joy in patient's (and family's) face after moving his foot for the first time in "months"

34. First signs of Bluebonnets on a hillside (welcome back, Texas Spring)

35. Being disciplined. (tough love/ Heb 12:7-11)

36. My nose bombarded by different aromas of food (my smell senses work!)

37. Spontaneous road trip with friends.

38. Texas Wildflowers coloring the freeway median. Makes rush hour traffic peaceful.

39. driving across the green, rolling hills of the Hill Country of Texas

40. Package waiting for me in the mail.

41. Seeing the well known "Amazon" smile on my package.

42. "MawMaw" patient's big gummy smile.

43. GOD: My Comforter, Healer, Defender, Lover of my soul, Worthy to be Praised. My Rock, My Refuge. My Friend.  He is MORE than enough for me.

44. Prayer hiking with a good friend

45. sound of steady rushing water over rocks at Pedernales Falls.

46. a lone Bluebonnet blooming from a crack of a boulder.

47. starting the day with "last minute" brunch with new friends and laughter

48. ending the same day with "Impromptu dinner" with close friends and laughter

49. Early low morning mist blanketing a wildflower field

50. The sunrise shining across the surface of Town Lake.

51. A father playing with his kids outside.

52. Friends having a "picnic" on the patio.

53. Neighbors enjoying the warm sunny weather outside.

54. God's Peace in my mind and heart. (Psalm 29:11, Col 3:15)

55. the warm breeze rustling the trees.

56. Hot Air Balloon in the middle of Zilker Park

57. bright moon in the clear night sky

58. Surprise East Breakfast with a friend

59. "counting blessings and discovering Who can be counted on." (pg 151)

60. Remembering the Bridge Builder that has gotten me across "hard terrains" of life

61. His Faithful love endures forever. (Ps 136:3-7)

62. A dad making his toddler son laugh while shopping in the grocery store

63. Smell of the air right before it starts to rain.

64. Trail jogging through a green tunnel of trees.

65. Monarch Butterflies randomly crossing my path.

66. Kids "swimming" in a dry fountain.

67. Texas Vultures lazily gliding low, above the tops of trees.

68. Aroma of Lavender in the Breeze. (Blanco, TX)

69. Sunset beaming through dark clouds (wish I took a picture)

70. Silver lining on the clouds (literally)

71. Able to laugh even through stress and frustration

72. My Chiropractor, and feeling the "pop" when being readjusted. (no more pain)

73. Being a nurse

74. Feeling a cool breeze after a good run.

75. A surprisingly easy day at work. (a rarity)

76. A home filled with overnight guests for the holiday (4th of July)

77. Rain boots!!!

78.  Jumping in rain puddles (hence, the rain boots)

79. Relaxing after work with friends, decadent dessert, and laughter (I think it was more from the sugar buzz)

80. Sugar Rush from the dessert.

81. my Parents: married for 49 years now

82. having an example of what a long lasting marriage looks like.

83. Being Redeemed by God's work, not mine.

84. Crazy peace of mind and heart, even during 2 hectic work days (rare moment).

85. Watching puffy Marshmallow clouds in a blue Texas sky.

86. Having my coffee paid for at Starbucks drive-thru by the driver ahead of me.

87. Buying coffee for the driver behind me (pay it forward).

88. Remembering my mom's laughter and smile.

89. The smell of freshly mowed grass.

90. Sunset shining under a blanket of black clouds.

91. Sun beams shining slits of the dark clouds.

92. 2 days in a row of picturesque sunsets shining through dark skies.

93. Seeing Fireflies for the 1st time.

94. The smell of rain

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Help

(yes, that's my new Kindle)

Have you ever read a book you can't put down? I definitely have and this is one of them. I remember reading a Frank Perretti book that I couldn't put down on a scary part or I'd have bad dreams later. I knew the end was going to be a good one since it was a Christian Horror book, so I'd stay up until I finished it.

Reasons to not put THIS book is much different (thank God). The author tells the stories of 3 characters and basically leaves you hanging on to wait and see what happens as you read on to the next character. I wanted to skip the other stories and continue on with Minnie's story, but I also wanted to find out what happened from the last time we read about Abileen and Skeeter. Their stories just intermingled throughout the whole book that you don't want to miss anything, and want to keep reading.

Definite Must Read!

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Cafe Leona's

I remember my friend Sandy coming over to Cafe Leona's (my place) for coffee, baked goods, and chat away the afternoon. I loved opening my apartment to my friends and my Small Group, and cooking for them. I loved hearing my place nicknamed Cafe Leona's because they knew they can come over for food, coffee, and fellowship. Since Sandy moved down to San Marcos, and I'm no longer leading my Small Group, Cafe Leona has basically shut down. :(

Today, I'm down in San Marcos visiting Sandy and chatting over some coffee and salad, and it hit us. Cafe Leona is still open! I may not be cooking lunch or baked goods for my friends, but the home-y, chilled, and inviting atmosphere is still around no matter where we are or meet. It's a nice revelation to hear from your friends.

However, hopefully soon I'll open Cafe Leona at my apartment again, and invite my friends for dinner, cake, coffee, and fellowship.

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Location:E Hopkins St,San Marcos,United States