
Friday, May 20, 2011

Next Birthday Destination?...

A few weeks back, a friend of mine and I were talking about birthdays and how we celebrated them in the past, and then it dawned on me....ever since I left San Diego I never celebrated my birthday in the same place twice. I’ve celebrated my birthdays in different states, and recently in another country. Even over the Atlantic Ocean!! I left San Diego for Christ to be a Travel Nurse, and God blessed me by sending me to Seattle, St Louis, Austin, North Africa for my birthdays, and now????.....Haiti!!

I’m finally going to Haiti! I have been trying to go to Haiti for over a year now since the earthquake, and now when I least expected it, God finally opens the door to let me go! The crazy part is that I’m leading a group this time. Not 5 or 10, but 20 PEEPS are coming with me, and only one of them is a nurse (me). In San Diego, that wouldn’t have been me. I was happy following in a Mission Trip, not leading one. I don’t know what God has in stored for this Trip or this Team, but I am totally excited. A couple years back when I was getting ready for North Africa I’ve heard and learned about: “Don’t be flexible, be like liquid,” and “we’re going ‘sailing’, and see where the Spirit leads us.” This trip isn’t any different in that sense. Different people, different cultures, and different needs, but the same God is leading it, and the same God is working. Please pray for us as we get ready for this trip, and raise the money to go. If you’d like to help us out, you can email me your address, and I’ll send a support letter to you.

The best part of this trip for me, AND for my blog readers, is that I can share more about this Haiti trip than I was able to during my N Africa trips. Maybe you’ll actually see more posts from me than my usual annual posting saying “hey! I’m still alive.”

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