Hello, all.
Even though I'm here in Austin, my heart's in San Diego, especially now. I heard about the fires Monday night from the Rock Church. My brother WAYNE told me that I-15 was closed, but didn't say why. Later I got an enews e-mail from the Rock giving an update and what was needed for the evacuees. I've been staying updated AND praying that everyone will be safe. So far, my family is safe. At least, the ones I could reach, but I've heard from some of you that you evacuated and already returned home. Praise God. If you haven't returned home yet, my prayers are with you. I wish I could do more.
Just to distract you guys a bit from what's going on in San Diego: I am finishing my travel assignment here in Austin, and will start a permanent position here on 11/12 in the same Unit. My company couldn't find a travel assignment in Austin, and I've decided to stay, so I took a permanent position, and a significant pay cut. (Lord provides and is faithful) My roommate and I will be moving out of the apartment my company is leasing for me, and moving into our 2-bedroom apartment in the same complex, but smaller and cheaper. We love the apartment we are in right now, but it's too big for us, especially since we don't have much furniture. Even less furniture when we move into our new place. Since my company has been putting me in furnished apartments in every city I've been, I'm starting from scratch. Only furniture I have with me is my air mattress I've used for my family's visits. I didn't think I would stop traveling this early on.
Of course, many of you that have been reading my e-mails have noticed how much I lean on the Lord's guidance on which city to go to and when, and He's the reason I'm staying here. I've got something to do here, but I don't know what that is yet. He'll reveal it soon enough. So far, I've just been planting my roots in Austin: changing my permanent address, drivers license, and license plate to Texas. Now, I'm going to be permanent staff in Austin. I'm at peace with it all. If I need to settle somewhere, I'd choose Austin (now that I've already experienced it earlier this year).
I'm going to work at Brackenridge hospital, Central Texas' Regional Trauma Center. Best place to get trauma experience. This place is much busier than Grossmont Hospital (who would have thought that's possible). I'm going to take some classes for a couple certifications while I'm here, so I can be "more marketable" if and when I return to Travel Nursing. I'm still going to Austin Stone Community Church. I returned to the church when I got back from St Louis, and it's like I never left. Of course, I still have acquaintances and friends coming up to me asking when I got back, and surprised I've been here since August. (it's a big church)
That's it about what's going on. I've been working more often, and familiarizing myself to South Austin, my commmunity. So, no new pictures. Sorry. I promise if anything happens here that's newsworthy, I'll notify you.
Love ya, and I miss everyone.
Grace and Blessings,
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