Happy Labor Day!! (though it's a couple days later)
I got a chance to celebrate a holiday. WooHoo!! One of my friends owns a boat and invited us to celebrate Labor Day with him and his friend Travis. It was fun. Since it was overcast, not that many boats were on the lake. But, I doubt that would matter much or not. Lake Travis is HUGE. We were driving across the lake for an hour, and we have yet to see half of it. We finally stopped, and swam a bit before being pulled on an inner tube.
Lesson 1: do not go any faster than 20 mph when pulling someone on an inner tube. We didn't know that until AFTER the fact. Travis was no typical boat driver. He went 40 mph like everyone else, but decided to do figure 8's, zigzags, and loops with me. So, I was holding on tight. The smile is pasted on (or actually frozen on) my face when the picture was taken. I could feel the water touching my feet, and it wasn't soft while he was going fast with me.
Afterwards, they took us to a restaurant located on the edge of the lake. We drove the boat up to the restaurant's dock, parked, and walked in. A few of restaurants and coffee shops like that here. Pretty cool.
No other new updates in my life. I hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day, not laboring.
Love ya and missing everyone. Click to see Labor Day Pics.